Archive for the ‘Home Buyers’ Category

The scoop on ARMs: hybrids, rates and caps

The term ARM is in the news a lot recently, yet many people don’t understand what ARMs really are. Here, we offer an explanation of how ARMs work and the different ARM options.

Does the Fed rate cut affect your mortgage rate?

The Federal Reserve lowered the Fed funds rate this week by 1/4 point to 4.25 percent. The Fed funds rate is the rate at which banks loan money to each other. Great, but what does that mean for you, the consumer?

Housing starts post gain, long-term rates stay low

After three consecutive months of decline, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development surprised many, announcing housing starts moved higher in October.

Refinance or buy new home, the questions to ask

There seems to be a crossroads that many homeowners reach after being in a home a few years: should you refinance your current home or buy a new one?

Now, people are getting more and more banking information to avail better services by selecting any online bank. These banks are providing wide range of services, in which the instant loans are most popular. These banks are also having many professional analysts which are providing debt help to secure their customers from bankruptcy. These customers also seem interested in cheap insurance policies because these policies with credit cards help a lot for collection of rewards visa.